Adorning the Love of Our Father: Assorted Messages from the One Anothers of Scripture
6:00-7:30 Session 1: What's Love Got To Do With It?
9:00-10:00 Session 2: At Your Service For His Glory
10:00-10:30 Break
10:30-11:30 Session 3: A Love That Looks Different Than The World's
11:30-1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:00 Session 4: A Love That Opens Its Heart and Door
Registration $40 per person
Breakfast and box lunch included. No childcare available.
Kimberly Cummings is a native-born Texan who loves calling Southern California her home. Kimberly is a pastor’s wife, mom, podcaster, and ACBC Certified Biblical Counselor. Kimberly has been married to her beloved, David, for over 38 years. She he is the founding co-host of the Women’s Hope Podcast, a production of The Master’s University. Kimberly desires to make it a priority to be biblically sound, God honoring, and practical. She considers it a privilege to share the goodness of her Lord and Savior wherever you find her.