Sermons from 2018

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August 19, 2018

Remember the Gospel

Preacher: Heath Gregory Series: Guest Preachers Topic: The Gospel Passage: Colossians 1:3–8

July 9, 2018

Children and Baptism

Preacher: Michael Beck Series: Luke Topic: Children, Baptism

July 1, 2018

Children and Salvation

Preacher: Michael Beck Series: Luke Topic: Salvation, Children

June 24, 2018

Children and the Kingdom

Preacher: Michael Beck Series: Luke Topic: Children, Kingdom Passage: Luke 18:15–17

June 5, 2018

Face to Face With God

Preacher: Darryl Burling Series: Guest Preachers Topic: Holiness of God Passage: Isaiah 6

April 8, 2018

The Centrality of the Cross

Preacher: Chris McKnight Series: Guest Preachers Topic: The Gospel, The Cross Passage: John 12:20–26